Municipal Boat Slips
Slips are rented to residents through the Department of Public Works. Interested residents may place their names on a waiting list for available openings.
In order to receive a permit for a boat slip or space, the applicant must meet the following requirements:
- Present proof that he is a permanent resident of the Township of Lacey or that he owns a house and property or a commercial building and property within the Township of Lacey. [Amended 7-1-1982 by Ord. No. 19-82]
- Present proof of a valid New Jersey boat registration or a Coast Guard certificate for the boat which is to be docked at the slip.
- Pay the required rental fee as set by the Township Committee by resolution.
Municipal Boat Slip Seasonal Fee - $65.00 per ft.
All permits issued shall be for a period of one year commencing April 1 through March 31, inclusive. Rental slips will become available on April 1 of each year and shall first be offered to those persons who held permits for said slips at the end of the previous year. Rental slips that become available due to the failure of the previous permit holder to make application for the same or for any other reason will be issued to applicants on a waiting list. Names will be listed on the waiting list in the chronological order that they applied for the permit.
NJ Clean Marina Program
Residents and visitors alike are drawn to the exceptional diversity and value of New Jersey’s marine and aquatic resources, including the Atlantic coastline, the Delaware River and Bay, freshwater lakes, tidal mudflats and deep ocean waters. DEP has developed a statewide Clean Marina Program to protect these critical habitat areas that are home to a variety of species including algae, plankton, shellfish and finfish. Visit for more information!