Lacey Historical Society
4th Quarterly Meeting
Oct. 16, 2019
Lacey Historical Society invites you to attend our 4th Quarter Meeting, October 16th, 7:00pm at the Old Schoolhouse, 126 Main Street, Forked River. We will be presenting a program on haunting activity and paranormal experiences in the Old Schoolhouse.
We are delighted to announce that Leslie Lagani, a prominent local Medium/Intuitive and Paranormal Investigator, will be joining us along with members of her paranormal investigative team.
Through countless investigations Leslie began to forge a partnership with spirit causing her mediumship abilities to excel. Leslie’s continued passion for ghosts and hauntings has enabled her to lend healing for those here and on the other side. Leslie and her team will be available to answer questions.
The program is open to the public at no cost. We look forward to seeing you at our meeting.