How do you envision the future growth and development of Lacey Township? What housing, open space, recreation, transportation, and community facility attributes would be included in your ideal of our local community? As part of the Township’s effort to achieve Regional Center status within the New Jersey State Plan framework, the Plan Endorsement Advisory Committee is conducting two visioning sessions to hear residents’ thoughts and opinions regarding opportunities for growth in Lacey, and any issues that the Township could address to improve quality of life.
The second and final Visioning Session will be held from 6:00 pm till 7:00 pm on Wednesday, September 27th, 2017 in the Committee Chambers of the Lacey Township Municipal Building located at 818 Lacey Road. A variety of materials, such as maps, photos, resource inventories and a preliminary vision statement will be available for review and discussion.
Regional Center designation is being undertaken in order to:
• Open the Township to new types of economic development by easing some State-regulated development standards,
such as the amount of impervious surface permitted at a development site;
• Supplement the economic base of the Township in light of the closure of Oyster Creek; and
• Encourage compact development patterns that reduce sprawl and encourage sustainable development practices.
Ideas related to any and all land development planning topics are welcome and appreciated.
The meeting will be conducted in a forum setting, intended to encourage public input to help identify current constraints within the Town and to recommend overall design strategies for Lacey’s potential Regional Center.
Susan Connor, Secretary
Lacey Township Planning Board